Cathy ALVAREZ cathyalvarez888@gmail.com
Ludovic DEMARCHE ludovicdemarche@gmail.com |
Today, everybody can see for themselves just to what extent we’re surrounded by images – they’re everywhere. They come at us like a flood and by force of seeing them endlessly, we forget them more and more quickly. Cathy Alvarez and Ludovic Demarche, specialist performers and artists themselves, have designed work modules which will allow the public at large and students to explore the theme of BIP2012 by means of a guided visit extended by a series of creative exercises around the photograph found. The aim of the workshops, in addition to putting the thoughts of each participant into a common melting pot, is to rediscover the pleasure of the image and the pleasure of actually “doing” something. That’s why the starting point will be photos which have been found somewhere; they can be old or more recent but they will already exist; photos contributed by participants, picked up at car boot sales or found on the Internet. These images will be selected to serve as the basis for work because they contain a souvenir,often sentimental, or because they make us think in some way about love in all its forms.
Participants will be invited to rework these existing images to create new ones through a whole range of physical actions (scraping, collage, cutting, etc.) and commentaries (by drawing, writing, other photographs they’ll take, etc.) which will make it possible not only to tackle the theme of love but also how to get used once again to actually touch images. At the heart of the key exhibition at BIP2012, in the MAMAC, the Labo-Album, set up in the old office of the Curator of Prints and the central venue of the workshops, is a creative space where the emphasis is on freedom, experimentation, try-outs, attempts and research. It’s also an exhibition area since the place will be permanently accessible to Biennale visitors which will discover there a non-stop panoply; of the new work being produced by workshop participants, like some sort of constantly moving panorama. Labo-Album is an integral part of the Biennale, like an echo chamber resounding to the work of the artists played off against the desires of the participants.