© Aline Fares

Aline Fares

A retro-futuristic workshop, telling of the desired future

Speaker, author and activist, Aline Fares (Rennes, 1978) is a former member of the Dexia group. She left the bank at the end of 2011 in favour of a social plan.

The militant research and activities that followed her departure enabled her to deepen her understanding of the mechanisms that led to the bankruptcy of the financial system and its rescue at the expense of the population. In the process, it’s about starting to work on the transformation of this system …

Author of  “Chroniques d’une ex-banquière” (Chronicles of an ex-banker), Aline Fares lives in Brussels where she writes, creates and militates within various collectives, with a fixed idea : to make the subject of banks and finance accessible and thus contribute to a popular appropriation of these issues. In 2012, she created, as part of her first militant activities within CADTM, the table conference “Le Poker des banques” (Bank Poker); in 2017 it was a gesticulated conference on finance “Chroniques d’une ex-banquière”. Her next creation will be a comic strip. Aline Fares is also one of the founding members of the platform “Belfius est à nous” (Belfius is ours) and of  Laboratoire sauvage de recherches expérimentales “Désorceler la finance”.

Aline Fares presents “un Atelier rétro-futuriste, se raconter des futurs désirés”. (a retro-futuristic workshop, telling of the desired future).

The participants will need to develop an econo-fiction in the form of role play, during collective improvisation sessions, in order to open up to other stories by telling them.

The starting point : a crisis happened ten years ago, and circumstances have given rise to and have made many ideas come to fruition by social movements, particularly in the fields of economy, finance, taxation – which was crucial.

We remember the events. As fiction becomes improvised, we dissect how the financial system held us, how it was overturned, how we no longer refunded, what this assumed of forces, of reorganization, of construction, of autonomy, etc.
