Prolongation of the Yves Piedboeuf-Hughes Dubuisson exhibition as part of BIPoff 2020
open from Thursday to Saturday 24/10 from 16 to 19H, Saturday 24 with the presence of Yves Piedboeuf.
The exhibition will be prolonged for 15 days by appointment 0496/721339.
“I react to stimuli without questioning. I spontaneously give way to what catches my attention, moved by my own esthetic feeling always closer to who I am. Later I realize, then I analyse and finally understand why I took that picture.There are recurrences even obsessions. In my photography, I visibly speak of myself (but not only…). I’m notably influenced by my childhood and mostly by my “child’s glance”, a state of mind. Everything was there, ever since then and just reveals itself. I’m not trying to say anything, to show anything, it’s there, as it is, I see it, I understand it. It’s a discovery, even a rediscovery. My pictures are not created, I don’t compose, there’s no staging. Everything was there , and I took the picture… to attract, to catch and to fix. My work is memory, sensation and remanence. Afterglow. I won’t say more, even if I know… It is about life and death…”
Yves Piedboeuf
Rue Paradis, 58-60 / 4000 Liège (BE)
+32 496 721339
25/09/2020 – 17:00
Thu. > Sat. / 16:00 > 19:00
Free access