With the thread of the days for a unique journey Through photography, behind the translucency of the paper, a work that results from the simple peregrinations of everyday life. Travelling back and forth, building a collection of viewpoints, which naturally becomes the essence itself of the inspiration. The constant flow of ideas, channelled through the photographic capture, becomes the main subject’s purpose. A paper format reminiscent of the one on which words lay. Shared, sometimes thoughts are sent. Photography and drawing intertwined, the material serves to bring out or hide forgotten details. The viewer is asked to draw from his mental images in order to guess the distant detail that could bring back a forgotten sensation. A sort of trace left on paper, the photograph is only the memory of a past moment. Already forgotten, it is now almost erased.
Mégane Likin June 2020
Quai Churchill , 4 / 4020 Liège (BE)
0032 476 91 28 01
08/10/2020 – 17:00
Thu. Fri. Sat. / 14:30 > 18:00
Free access