“Sneaking away…
For a long time, I’ve been collecting images and I don’t care for not taking the picture myself… For not choosing framing the composition, the decisive moment… Someone else has already done it! It’s often the ellipse that interests me, the faces that are slipping away, traces of life on printed paper The silver salts that make blackness vibrate, a frozen moment on which time has passed… This materiality moves me, it’s like a warning. Photography is a time capsule. It’s taking me on a trip… Yesterday, today… times are blending together. It plays with our perception of time. By intervening on an old photograph the past resurfaces in the present. Fascinated by this game of anachronism… I like to observe the images and might as well deconstruct them, hollow out, embroider, highlight, play with light, blur, perceive… Playing between looking and not seeing.”
Place Vivegnis, 6 / 4000 Liège (BE)
Fri. 25/09 : 17h > 21h
Thu. > Fri. / 13:00 > 17:00
Sat. > Sun / 14:00 > 18:00
Free access