13 million hectares of natural forests disappear from the earth’s surface every year. This destruction destroys billions of living organisms, biochemical exchange networks and extremely ancient and complex interrelationships and complementarities.
Marc Wendelski proposes a series of works, essays and research around the figures of the Tree and the Forest, testifying to his questions about the future of the world and our relationship with nature.
Between sensitive evocation and distant documentation, between social and political concerns and intimate journeys, between observations and utopias, the exhibition offers an immersion in this abundance of species and vital flows that play with the most elementary cell to the most elaborate organism and that constitute an incredible reservoir of knowledge and unexplored potential, a continent to discover, a horizon beneath our feet.
En Neuvice , 20/ 4000 Liège (BE)
24/09/2020 – 18:00
Tue. > Sat. / 13:00 > 18:00
Free Acces