Once upon a time in China… From bat to pangolin. Human transmission. Contamination, propagation. Medal of horror for this invisible soldier. Never-ending speeches. Political, economical, social, scientific, popular, demagogic, ultracrepidarian. Numerical incontinence, systemic statistics. My motionless city. Lockdown. Social distancing. Masks.
8 PM, daily parenthesis. Expressions of citizen solidarity.
Today, instant captures of my locked down neighbours. Safely, social distance, on the curbs, at the houses’ edges, on top of their windows, safely and socially. In a motionless city, the community’s life in motion. Laughs, smile, music, family, sons, daughters, dogs, cats, and a gold fish…
Rue Chevaufosse , 4/ 4000 Liège (BE)
Number of simultaneous visitors limited to 9 people.
Provision of hydroalcoholic gel.
Wearing the mask.
Replaced by a welcome in the presence of the artist
Thursday 24/09/2020 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Every Friday from 16:00 to 19:00 – by appointment only
Every Saturday and Sunday from 13:00 to 18:00 – free visit
Group visits are possible during the week by appointment.
Free access